Dwyane Wade is on the way to his next ring and feels that the world is not giving the Miami Heat any credit for putting together a great team. Wade feels that the roster his team is rocking with the upcoming season is priceless, so all the hate that the franchise and Lebron James is receiving is not necessary.
“The biggest thing is experience. I think experience is underrated in this league sometimes,” Wade said. “You just can’t put a price on it. The last few years, we were a young team, and now we’re a veteran team up and down the roster. That’s the biggest thing we gained. And that’s key.”
“He (Riley) had the final say, but there was constant communication with Coach Riley. I was always giving my thoughts on guys who we knew would be out there,” Wade said. “We wanted guys who would understand what we’ll deal with, from the outside. Inside the locker room, we wanted character guys, and not necessarily the best talent. We were looking for guys who could check their ego for a great cause, and I think we’ve gotten that.”
“We’re going to be wearing a bullseye. But that’s what you play for,” Wade said. “We enjoy the bullseye. Plus, there’s going to be times when we lose 2-3 games in a row, and it seems like the world has crashed down. You all (media) are going to make it seem like the World Trade is coming down again, but it’s not going to be nothing but a couple basketball games.
“When the schedule comes out, people will be looking for the Lakers and Heat, to see when they play us. I feel like I’m a new player in Miami. That’s how excited I am.”
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