HIP HOP U is a Hip Hop clothing line that expresses the art of all music and the way it makes you feel! The line is going to have a University feel hence the name Hip Hop U. Our clothing will represent that feeling that music gives you when your happy, sad, or in love! We are sure to have something for all music lovers, so grab your pen and pad because class is now in session at HIP HOP University!
Friday, July 30, 2010
ESPN Is Going To Air A Documentary About Tupac Shakur's Murder


What New With American Idol?

What Happened?

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Snoop Dogg Threatened By Oklahoma Crips

Chris Tucker Realizes He Needs To Do Something

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Acting Can Kill

$7 Million Settlement For Being Shot To Death By Police

Come On Already...This Is Getting Out Of Control

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Breaking News

Former Oakland Raider NFL Safety Jack Tatum Dies

Rihanna Is Gonna Try Her Hand At The Big Screen

No Matter If Her Man Left Or Not She Still Looks HOT!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010
Kim Kardashian Begs Not To Go Under The Knife From Head To Toe


BP's CEO Hayward Leaving

Saturday, July 24, 2010
So What's New With Alicia Keys

Well when Alicia Keys split from long time manager Jeff Robinson she said that it was mutual and no love lost. But then there were rumors of her fiancee Swizz Beatz not liking the percentage that Jeff was taking so he told her to dump him. Necole Bitchie talked to Jeff's people to get their side of the story and this is what they had to say:
Really Come On Now BEYONCE

So you all know that Beyonce just recently got her drivers license right? Why is it that she got busted last month in New York City for driving and texting. Well she tried to play it off like she wasn't aware that was illegal since she just got her license. Come on now B you should know better than that. I know your a superstar and beautiful but that is just common sense. Please use it! Apparently the cop didn't buy it because he gave her $100 fine.
Irv Gotti on Nicki Minaj

So Irv Gotti was interviewed in VIBE magazine here is what he has to say about Nicki Minaj:
Jeremy Piven Hits RIDICULOUS Trick Shot
Friday, July 23, 2010
LeBrons Decision

How Precious: Kim Is Still Supporting Reggie

Making It Rain On These Hoes: 44-Year-Old Banger Edition

Darke's Album "Thank Me Later" Has Gone Certified Platinum in 5 Weeks Selling 846,082 Copies

Now that is out of the way... Drake is getting ready for another headlining tour sponsored by AT&T called "The Light Dreams and Nightmares Tour". Drake's opening act is the "Clipse" from Virginia and tour is scheduled so far 11 dates.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Prosecutors Want Wesley Snipes To Go Directly To Jail

Flying donkey shocks beachgoers in Russia's south
Police in southern russia will launch a probe into an initiative by local entrepreneurs who sent a a donkey into the sky on a parachute in an advertising stunt. The official spokesman for the local directorate of the Interior Ministry told reporters that the parachuting donkey incident took place last Thursday on an Azov Sea beach in the Temryk District in Krasnodar.
"They gave this donkey a parachute ride in order to attract holidaymakers' attention to this sort of entertainment. The para sailing donkey brayed and the children cried, but no one was smart enough to inform the police about the incident, "RIA Novosti news agency quoted the official as saying Monday. The police will launch a probe and if the entrepreneurs are found guilty, they could face criminal persecution under the article on cruel treatment of animals of the Russian Criminal Code, which carries a maximum punishment of two years in prison.
Tashera Simmons Announces Seperation From DMX

Nelson Mandela

Magic Johnson is also not impressed with LeBron James

Whale's Incredible Jump

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Evander Holyfield's Son Arrested for Drug Possesion

Eminem and Rihanna On The Set Of: "Love The Way You Lie"

Diddy In GQ Magazine

John Gotti's Grandson Puts Ricky Rozay On Blast

Nicki Minaj - Your Love
Nicki Minaj is doing her part to capitalize on the popularity of her current single "Your Love" by releasing a video to accompany it. While the song isn't a complete departure from her signature Yabba Dabba Doo Steez, it's clear she's finally found something that is sticking with her audience.
Michael Jai White this is very nice. I like the concept behind this one. Huge improvement over "Massive Attack".
What do you think? Give me your opinion.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Chilli Speaks on Usher's Dirty Dog Ways And Usher Claims He Married Tameka Because She Understood His World

Who Is Selita Ebanks Kickin It With?

Dolphins Defensive End Hit With Felony Charges For Beating Pregnant Girlfriend

Monday, July 19, 2010
Dwyane Wade says Forget What Michael Jordan Is Talking About... We Put Together A Great Team

Dwyane Wade is on the way to his next ring and feels that the world is not giving the Miami Heat any credit for putting together a great team. Wade feels that the roster his team is rocking with the upcoming season is priceless, so all the hate that the franchise and Lebron James is receiving is not necessary.
“The biggest thing is experience. I think experience is underrated in this league sometimes,” Wade said. “You just can’t put a price on it. The last few years, we were a young team, and now we’re a veteran team up and down the roster. That’s the biggest thing we gained. And that’s key.”
“He (Riley) had the final say, but there was constant communication with Coach Riley. I was always giving my thoughts on guys who we knew would be out there,” Wade said. “We wanted guys who would understand what we’ll deal with, from the outside. Inside the locker room, we wanted character guys, and not necessarily the best talent. We were looking for guys who could check their ego for a great cause, and I think we’ve gotten that.”
“We’re going to be wearing a bullseye. But that’s what you play for,” Wade said. “We enjoy the bullseye. Plus, there’s going to be times when we lose 2-3 games in a row, and it seems like the world has crashed down. You all (media) are going to make it seem like the World Trade is coming down again, but it’s not going to be nothing but a couple basketball games.
“When the schedule comes out, people will be looking for the Lakers and Heat, to see when they play us. I feel like I’m a new player in Miami. That’s how excited I am.”
El Debarge is Back

Michael Jordan Takes A Shot At King James

Does Nick Cannon Shoot Blanks?

Karma Is Crazy

Sunday, July 18, 2010
8 people shot downtown after Indiana Black Expo event
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Whoopi Goldberg defends Mel Gibson's racist rant
All week long, Whoopi Goldberg has been defending her "friend" Mel Gibson on "The View," and today was no different. Despite near-daily releases by Radar Online of audio tapes allegedly featuring Gibson saying extremely offensive things to his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. Goldberg is still sticking by the troubled actor and director.
Goldberg was blasted by critics when she came to Gibson's defense on Monday's show, saying she knew him and didn't think he was racist. This opinion didn't sit well with many "View" watchers, who called in to the show to complain. Each day, Goldberg addressed the matter, stressing that while she didn't condone what Gibson did(she called him a "bonehead"), she still didn't believe him to be racist saying, "Being a black woman, you'd think you would give me a little bit of leeway to have some feelings if I was around a racist." The expletive-filled rants included threats of violence, racial slurs, and misogynistic curses.
Today, Goldberg stuck to her guns, but changed tactics, suggesting the calls were recorded with professional recording equipment. She also questioned why Oksana Grigorieva didn't just call the police rather than record Gibson, suggesting that the police would be on her side because of Gibson's past dustups with the LAPD.
Dawn From Dirty Money Says No To Marrying Her Soulmate Que

Sean Garrett Feat. Nicki Minaj

How You Get Them is How You Lose Them

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Man In Atlanta Gets Caught Stealing Pennies In Fountain At The Martin Lu...
In an attempt to what one could only speculate as to get some food, gas or maybe cigarettes, a man in Atlanta, Georgia decided to skip asking strangers for change and just get it from the legendary Martin Luther King Memorial Fountain...and was caught on film.
No word on why the man decided to take change from the fountain or if charges were pressed, but really?
I know times maybe hard, but come on show some respect!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Mashonda Talks Divorce From Swizz Beatz

The Dream and Christian Milian Were Still Together

The-Dream- Nikki Part 2 (Official Video)
I like how convenient it is that he just announced his split with wife Christina Milian yesterday and pictures of him with another chick came out as well. It sounds like he is trying to make himself look better. What do you guys think?
Cleveland Cavaliers Owner Dan Gilbert Responds

Monday, July 12, 2010
Six Months After Haiti Earthquake...Aid Is Reduced To A Trickle

"When we were asked to come to this camp, we were promised houses. Where are they?" asked Jean-Auguste Petit-Frere as he pointed to a model of a home set up on the site by a Jamaican firm and set to be valued at 15,000 dollars a piece. According to the United Nations office in Haiti, nearly 4,000 homes of 18 square meters(194 square feet) each have been built in a project that anticipates building some 10,000 houses.
The UN humanitarian coordinator in Haiti, Nigel Fischer, acknowledged there were "many challenges" in putting Haiti back on its feet and coordinating aid, including making sure the affected population has access to essential care. He also warned that 130 tent cites have been identified as at risk from the hurricane season that could add insult to injury in a country that was already the poorest in the Western hemisphere even before the quake. The French Red Cross, which has promised to build 30,000 transitional homes in collaboration with the US Red Cross, has just begun construction of 500 in a village east of the capitol, Port-au-Prince. But the figures pale in comparison to the 1.5 million people left homeless by the January 12 quake that measured 7.0 on the moment magnitude scale killed 250,000 people.
Among those still living in squalid temporary plastic tents under sweltering temperatures are half a million children at risk of crime, exploitation, and abuse. They often lack decent sanitation and proper protection against an imminent risk of hurricanes. "Children in Haiti are among those having the hardest time recovering from the earthquake," Save the Children's director of emergencies Garen Owen said in a statement. "Many are still trying to cope with the grief of losing loved ones, their homes, their toys -- everything that gave them their sense of identity. It's hard for an adult to cope, let alone a child." Some of the kids were so scarred, they fear stepping into any concrete building. Other left orphaned are hired by families in camps as workers in exchange for food, according to Save the Children.
Christina Milian and The Dream Seperated in Late 2009