Karen Sypher met former Nicks coach Rick Pitino in a bar six years ago. She hit on him and got him to go into the bathroom with her to have sex.
Here is what Rick said happened:
"I was at the end of the bar and she approached me with her cellphone, asking me to wish her son a happy birthday. I obliged. Then, she started flirting with me and rubbing my leg. At the end of the night, she suggested that we move to a booth to finish the wine."
"Some unfortunate things happened," he said. "She opened my pants." Their encounter lasted only "15 seconds," Pitino said.
"She said to me that she is extremely fertile. She said that her husband had looked at her four times and she got pregnant," he said.
Hearing this, Pitino said, he "immediately pulled out." He said that he ejaculated down his leg."
Sypher, who says that she got pregnant but had an abortion waited six years to try and threaten Pitino. She was demanding $10 million in order to keep her quiet about the details of what they did. He was worried that his wife and kids would find out so he didn't immediately go to the police, but after two months he went to the FBI instead of paying Sypher.
She tried to take him for $10 million but all she got was 15 seconds and 26 years in prison for extortion.
So if your plan is to sleep with someone rich and try to take them for their money to keep quiet. Well I wouldn't recommend it all unless you want to take a chance of going to jail too.
Crime doesn't pay!!!!!!
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