Apparently Antwaun Cook was supposed to have broken things off with Fantasia but that may not have happened. His wife Paula Cook is tired of it all and decided to kick him out.
This move comes just days after Cook was seen spending time with Fantasia once she got out of the hospital. There was a camera crew available on site with Fantasia, which were probably there for her reality show.
As previously reported, Fantasia was recently released from the hospital, where she was treated for an overdose. Days before that, Antwaun's wife Paula Cook, had filed divorce papers ...citing her husbands allegedly "adulterous affair" with Fantasia. Paula has finally had enough and has now kicked her husband out of the house. He has moved into a nearby apartment.
There have been rumors spread that Fantasia has made all of this up in order to get publicity in the show. None of it is real. If that is the case then this is a very sad story. Because who would go through all of this and breaking up a marriage? She is famous and could have any man she wanted but chose a married man. That's ridiculous.
Check out her knew song "Lucky". This is the home wrecker anthem.
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